Contacts with journals for a Special Issue in Artificial Intelligence in progress, soon available!

Supporting Medicine and Healthcare with Multimedia Tools
Improving healthcare services with IT and computer-based systems
The Special Issue will provide an effective platform for discussion related to state of art problems and solutions connected with relevant medical applications of multimedia of the CBMS 2023 conference, in particular:
The Special Issue aims to show innovative advancements in integrating computer science/information technology with health science and services to boost healthcare services. In this context the targeted areas of interest are:
- Active and Healthy Ageing Systems and Data Analytics
- Analytics and solutions in Public Health
- Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
- Bioinformatics
- Biomedical Signal and Image Processing and Computer Vision in Medicine or Healthcare
- Multimedia tools for clinical decision support, clinical research and epidemiology
- Content Analysis of Biomedical Image Data
- Databases and blockchain in Medicine or Healthcare
- e-Health
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Healthcare
- Knowledge Representation in Medicine or Healthcare
- m-Health
- Medical education using ICT
- Telemedicine Systems
- Software Systems in Medicine
- Technology Enhanced
- Medical Education
- Technology in Clinical and Healthcare Services Research
- Web-Based Delivery of Medical Information
- Clinical and Healthcare Services Research
- Data Analysis and Visualization
- Decision Support and Recommendation Systems
- Healthcare Communication Networks
- Healthcare Data and Knowledge Management
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Healthcare
- Information Technologies in Healthcare
- Intelligent Medical Devices and Smart Technologies
- Serious Gaming in Healthcare
- Systems Integration and Security
- Technology-enabled Education
- Telemedicine Systems
- Sensor solutions for Connected Health
- Learning from Medical Devices
- Cyberphysical Systems in Medicine
Guest Editors
Giuseppe Placidi, Associate Professor, PhD University of L’Aquila, Italy, giuseppe.placidi[at]univaq[dot]it
Alejandro Rodríguez González, Full Professor, PhD Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, alejandro.rg[at]upm[dot]es
Rosa Sicilia, Assistant Professor, PhD University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy, r.sicilia[at]unicampus[dot]it
Angelo Gaeta, Assistant Professor, PhD University of Salerno, Italy,
Guest Editors
Rosa Sicilia, Assistant Professor, PhD University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy, r.sicilia[at]unicampus[dot]it
Giuseppe Placidi, Associate Professor, PhD University of L’Aquila, Italy, giuseppe.placidi[at]univaq[dot]it
Alejandro Rodríguez González, Full Professor, PhD Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, alejandro.rg[at]upm[dot]es
João Almeida, PhD, Researcher, DETI/IEETA, LASI, University of Aveiro, Portugal, joao.rafael.almeida[at]ua[dot]pt
José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Assistant Professor, PhD Salud Bienestar Ingeniería y Sostenibilidad Sociosanitaria (SALBIS) Research Group, Department of Electric, Systems and Automatics Engineering, University of León, Spain, jbena[at]unileon[dot]es